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20 Clear Signs You Lack Serious Emotional Intelligence


There are those who think before they speak, remember birthdays, reach out to mend friendships, and do their best to bring out the best in others. You pity them.


While you think you're simply an iron fist in a free-hug world, there might be a deeper truth lurking behind what others see as thoughtless behavior. You might actually be an emotional moron.

This is why no one wants to be a middle manager anymore


Studies show that mental health benefits are becoming de rigueur for retaining talent, as are policies that support workers’ sense of well-being, along with workplace diversity and inclusion. But such initiatives are only effective if leadership genuinely embraces them—and provides adequate training for middle management. Instead, managers are often left to their own devices to do this sort of work, which requires strong emotional intelligence and relationship-building skills.

10 Characteristics of Effective Team Leaders in the Workplace


Did you know that only 10% of people are natural leaders?


Research shows that a strong team increases happiness, productivity, and success. A great team also can bring out the best in each team member.


To build a great team, you must have outstanding leadership. This starts with team leaders who understand the importance of each team member.


Are you a team leader? If so, you need to know the characteristics that influential team leaders possess. Here are some tips...... 

7 expressions that can kill employees’ trust in managers


Want to be trusted by your team? Don’t say these seven phrases. Good managers are rare. If you’re a manager, you may feel this is an unfair statement, but in today’s digital work world, team members need more support and more positivity from you than ever before. One way to improve your image and … 

Emotional Intelligence & Leadership


If You Use These 4 Phrases Regularly, You'll Have the Emotional Intelligence of a World-Class Leader Emotional intelligence can be actively improved -- and a big part of that begins with our language.

Workplace Trust: Why Trust Is Important In The Workplace


When it comes to the issue of employee performance in an organisation creating a sense of trust is one of the key factors to be considered. Trust forms the basis of all relationships and interactions. It is just as important in professional relationships as it is in personal ones. (by Paul Towers)

Brush Up on These 4 Job Soft Skills — They Could Be More Important Than Experience


You might have formal training and on-hand experience in the field you’re working in, but can you communicate clearly, work well in a team and bring the right attitude? All three are soft skills — intangible qualities employers are increasingly considering when reviewing job candidates.

How to develop emotional intelligence in the workplace


As a leader, the key to solving conflicts is to embrace them. Developing these four EI skills can help leaders unlock the potential for swift conflict management, connectivity and trust among teams and overall understanding in the workplace.

How to spot a workplace bully


Workplace bullying is not a new concept but thanks to remote work, experts have warned it’s only going to become more prevalent. Research by the University of South Australia found two-thirds of Australians experience bullying and it’s costing Australian organisations up to an estimated $36 billion per year.

Traits of an exemplary employee


Every employer’s dream is to have one or more extraordinary employees; those that are impelled by a persistent quest for excellence. Experts say that great employees address conflict rather than avoiding them. When they step into conflict resolution, they maintain respect for everyone in the mix. They also don’t place blame on others.

9 Tips for Building Trust in the Workplace


If you’d like your organization to succeed, you must foster mutual trust between all team members. But this is easier said than done. Only 1 out of 5 HR and engagement leaders believe their employees deeply trust company leaders, and 50 percent of employees said they don’t think HR is trustworthy. Trust is essential for in-person teams and remote workers.



Theft in the workplace commonly involves a taking of property, time, or information which rightfully belongs to the employer; however, an expanded view might include the taking of creative energies or productivity from talented employees or the destruction of their engagement or intentional sabotage of their work product. Theft of employee abilities and competencies by inadequate leadership has a direct causal impact on productivity and profits...............

Over 80% of organisations keen to replace traditional disciplinary and grievance procedures


In a recent survey conducted by the TCM Group, the UK’s leading provider of resolution in the workplace, 60% of respondents stated that COVID-19 had made it harder to resolve issues of conflict at work. Overall 83% of respondents expressed interested in replacing their traditional grievance and disciplinary procedures with a new overarching framework. 

Why moral leadership matters now more than ever


The new State of Moral Leadership Report, which includes data from 1,500 individuals working in business and highlights the critical role moral leadership can play within organizations. The report provides further evidence of the imperative for moral leadership. Leaders can no longer hope to scale shareholder value without scaling shared values. Mission and margin, profit and principle, success and significance are now inextricably linked.

Workplace Conflict Costs Employers Nearly £30bn a Year


This estimate is based on the total cost to organisations in handling workplace conflict that includes informal, formal and legal processes as well as the cost of sickness absences and resignations. The report shows that nearly half a million employees resign each year as a result of conflict and that handling disagreements and complaints early before employment relationships are damaged can help save businesses money.

“While IQ is unquestionably the better predictor of job performance and career success across all jobs and careers ......... emotional intelligence was the stronger predictor of success. Those with high emotional intelligence tended to be more successful as business leaders and enjoy success than in more typical jobs and careers.”

Ernest O’Boyle, Associate Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship and the Dale M. Coleman Chair in Management, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University (January 2021)

6 Signs Of A Toxic Job You Can Spot During Your Interview


Being in a toxic work environment is the top reason people say they are quitting their jobs during the pandemic, new research shows.A toxic work culture is a whopping 10 times more important than compensation when it comes to predicting turnover, according to a new analysis of more than 1.4 million Glassdoor reviews of 500 of the largest U.S. companies between last April and September. 

The 6 soft skills that are essential


This article identifies six soft skills that every Trust Leader should aspire to attain. 

Harvard Discovers the Energy Effect.... 


What sets outstanding leaders apart isn't charisma, influence, or even power. It's not about personality, attractiveness, or even innovative genius. The one thing that supersedes all these factors, according to Harvard, is "positive relational energy," which is an energy exchange between people that uplifts, enthuses, and renews those it comes in contact with.

Investigating workplace harassment/internal toxic work environment 


In 2020 alone, the Middlesex-London Health Unit paid almost $70,000 to Schroeder Law, a London firm that focuses exclusively on workplace conflict and employs investigators and lawyers who deal with workplace harassment, violence, discrimination, bullying and human rights abuses. "It's a lot. You have to wonder, what is the missing piece in their policies and processes and how they handle their culture, and what is this doing to their overall environment," said Jann Danyluk, a London-based workplace human resources investigator with Ford Keast Human Resources.

Employee Stress Is At Record Highs – Should We Get Rid Of Managers?


What is going wrong in our workplaces? Why is the place where most of us spend the majority of our time such a stressful and unengaging place to be? The UK’s Health and Safety Executive has identified six main areas which, if not managed properly, will lead to work-related stress: demands, control, support, relationships, role and change. In other words, employees are likely to feel stressed if they cannot cope with the demands of the job or control how they work; if they don’t receive enough support or are being bullied; if they don’t understand their role and aren’t engaged when the business is undergoing change.


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